5 Ways to Frustrate Readers

1. Kill characters because you find it fun Come on! You’re a writer and you enjoy this. In fact, you offer a comprehensive package: last words, cause of death, mourning, gravedigging, funeral services, and more mourning. You probably even bring the rain. This is your element but its benefits are twofold if you kill beloved characters … More 5 Ways to Frustrate Readers

Why Dystopian?

Crossroads, my current project and first novel-sized work, is in the genre I call Christian dystopian. As I’ve rewritten, reread, and reconsidered it, I have been caused to examine its deepest elements. This has led me to answer the question, why dystopian? For one, the genre is interesting and popular. I wonder, why is it … More Why Dystopian?

Patriot-A Poem

Happy birthday to my sister Kate; my blogging friend, writing friend, reading friend, fun friend, and friend. Don’t tell Kate I did this. Named the post something else and then snuck this in here. Haha! Anyway, I wrote a poem. I don’t do it often; only when inspiration strikes. Here goes. The wind screams and shivers, … More Patriot-A Poem

A Day in the Wilderness

This weekend was my church’s annual Men’s Prayer Advance. We go low budget and tent camp in the middle of nowhere with zero facilities. I live in Arizona, specifically the Phoenix area. Camping here is a reenactment of Israel’s wandering in the desert–without the manna. After several preaching sessions on spiritual disciplines, we dispersed into … More A Day in the Wilderness

Novel X Update

If you got notified of a post on Wednesday and then it disappeared, sorry about that. It was an unsuccessful test of sorts. 🙂 And finally the moment you’ve all been waiting for!!!!!!!!!! MY NOVEL HAS A NAME! Yes, I decided that my NaNoWriMo novel is going to be titled “Crossroads”. Some family members have … More Novel X Update

Christian Fiction Part 3: Appealing to Teens

Writing a story crafted toward a specific audience means appealing to its desires. The danger  for Christian writers in this area is, as always, compromise. If we write what people want in all areas, we will end up cultivating the wrong desires. I see several things written specifically to appeal to teens that can be harmful. … More Christian Fiction Part 3: Appealing to Teens